Within this engine are the rules that dictate the way the game world works, and how objects and characters should behave within it. The CryENGINE 3 SDK is a game engine which drives the visual actions taking place on the screen. This is where the CryENGINE 3 SDK comes in. A technique that's becoming increasingly common for most developers is to reuse existing game engines. Not every new computer game needs to start from scratch. The book covers all beginner aspects of game development including an introduction to C++ for non- coders. Learn to create your own worlds by following straight forward examples to sculpt the terrain, place vegetation, set up lighting, create game sounds, and script with the Lua language. Learn to navigate the interface within the CryENGINE 3 Sandbox, the tool used to create AAA games like Crysis 1 and 2, as well as the soon to be released Crysis 3. Follow straightforward examples to sculpt the terrain, place vegetation, set up lighting, create game sounds, script with Lua and code with C++. Learn to create game worlds with the CryENGINE 3 Sandbox, the tool used to create AAA games like the soon to be released Crysis 3. This complete Beginner's Guide takes the would be game developer through the steps required to create a game world complete with event scripting, user interface and 3D environment in the free CryENGINE SDK. CryENGINE is a complete game development environment used by AAA game development studio Crytek to produce blockbuster games such as Crysis 1, 2 and 3.